tearwater oracle - Fully funded! thank you!

The Tearwater Oracle crowdfunding campaign surpassed all three stretch goals and was 185% funded. I am beyond words, awash in gratitude.

Click here to visit the kickstarter! The Tearwater Oracle is an oracle deck to accompany us through the depths of our feelings. Taking inspiration from my 7-year project, The Coping Calendar, I hope the images unfold in you like poetry and offer you something to hold onto as we navigate these aching, transformative times. The deck is printed on quality card-stock with soft-touch coating at Community Printers in Santa Cruz, CA and packaged in a custom tuck-box. This is my first kickstarter campaign and I’m so thankful for any support you can offer!

The kickstarter is now closed, but the campaign page remains open with lots of information and FAQ’s about timing, production, and process. If you missed the campaign but would like a deck, subscribe to the Email List to be the first to know when they’re listed in the shop!

Against a white background, a 5x3 / 6x2 grid showing previews of sample oracle cards from the Tearwater Oracle Deck.

A six-by-six grid of preview cards for the Tearwater Oracle, painted in gouache in a dreamy brown/blue/pink/white color palette. For detailed descriptions of each card, click here!


…after making and publishing The Coping Calendar, feels like a good time to:

a. shift from a once to twice-yearly model for big creative projects, and b. compile, review, reflect, and celebrate what this calendar has been and become in these last seven years!

If you’d like to follow my journey more closely, I’m documenting my creative process on this in small snippets on instagram, with longer reflections and works in progress on Patreon!



For those unfamiliar, an oracle deck is a series of cards that can be used introspectively in various ways — from doing readings around a specific question or theme (like in tarot), to pulling cards as journaling prompts, conversation starters, or just as something to think about through the course of the day (and I bet you could make up other creative uses for them!).

Thumbnail shows haley’s hand placing the “restore” card next to other cards in the deck on a white surface. Video shows haley, a white woman with scoliosis and OI sitting in a corner of her living room studio. She wears glasses, red lipstick, black overalls, and a brown sweater. Video cuts to shots of haley’s apartment and studio, and also features fluffy black cat Juniper at one point.


  1. Spread the word

    Leading up to the kickstarter launch in May and throughout the campaign, spreading the word for this deck is is gonna make a HUGEEEE difference! Feel free to use the hashtag #TearwaterOracle and copy my image descriptions or write your own!

    Also, if you’re SUPER PUMPED and feel like taking the word-spreading to the next level, consider joining the support team! Very low effort and commitment, just sign up to get some snail mail treats to share with friends, some images to share online pre-launch, and to be entered into a raffle for the chance to win a free deck! ;) 

  2. Pledge early on kickstarter!

    The kickstarter IS LIVE! Click here to visit it! The more backers a campaign gets within the first few days of its launch, the more likely it is to succeed. Be on the lookout for further announcements and pledge day-of or early on! Please sign up for the email list to stay in the loop!

  3. Likes, Saves, Comments, and Shares

    I cannot believe I actually typed that (doin a huge eye-roll at myself over here), but let me be honest: it is very tough for small artists to get our work seen on instagram these days. Also, this is another free way to help! Your engagement with my posts (even if it’s just dropping an emoji) may feel like a minor thing but it’s a concrete help to me in that it makes it more likely that others will see it (also it makes me feel encouraged).

  4. Join me on Patreon

    Whether it’s $10/ year or a month, any amount of support on Patreon makes a big difference in getting me through these unpaid creation periods of a big project. It’s also a place to get a more in-depth look at my creative process, be the first to know what’s new, and get fun perks like free stickers, cards, and downloads. ;)